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Summer 2020 Updated for June 1, 2020


This website serves as reference document.  It is not intended as a day-to-day, current news source.


If you know of anything we should let the Neighbors know, tell us at olia@oquaga.com or barbara@oquaga.com.

Summer Season of 2020

     2020 Opening Letter       .pdf  (Adobe)     .doc (Word)

     2020 Events Calendar    .pdf  (Adobe)     .doc (Word)     (preliminary: effective 6/1/20)

     2020 Board of Directors (send an e-mail to olia@oquaga.com)

     Boat Launch Form           .pdf  (Adobe)     .doc (Word)

     DEC Article 15 Joint Application             .pdf (Adobe)


If you would like to read previous issues of The Oquaga Lake News, click this link:

https: //us16.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=b4e801835d99c6028612f351b&id=b70b9ead9e.


If you are not receiving the News, published during the Summer months, you can have your e-mail added by e-mailing olia@oquaga.com.

Or click the Subscribe link at the bottom of any issue of The News which you can read by clicking the link just above! 


2019 in PDF Format

     2019 Opening Letter

     2019 Events Calendar

     2019 Annual Meeting


Annual Meeting Minutes can be found on the Documents link at the left.


Important Information for Property Owners

      Sewer Responsibility: Town and Owner

      Building Permits Required


Lending Library


Welcome Signs Not For Advertising



Attention Property Owners in the Oquaga Lake Sewer District:

The Town of Sanford has contacted the OLIA to advise that property owners have been building over and paving over the sewer system. The Town asked that we remind all property owners within the Oquaga Lake Sewer District of the following:

1. The Town owns the sewers, the septic tank, the pump chamber and pumps, and the electrical panel housing the pump controls.

2. The Town has a legal easement on each property for the installation, maintenance and repair of the Town owned sewer system components.

3. The Town is responsible to pump out each septic tank every 3-4 years and to conduct preventive maintenance on the sewer pumps and controls. The Town cannot perform this function where tanks are no longer accessible because the property owners have built over or paved over the installations

4. The Town must also be able to respond to emergencies such as pump failures, replacement of defective tanks, etc.

5. The property owner owns and remains responsible for any required maintenance and repair of the sewer pipe from the house to the septic tank.

If the pipe between the house and the tank becomes clogged or needs replacement, the cost of the work is entirely the responsibility of the property owner.

In situations where the Town needs to access a septic tank or pump chamber for routine maintenance, inspection, pump out or replacement, there is typically no cost to the property owner unless the property owner constructed a deck, steps, pavement, garden or landscaping over the tanks effectively blocking access.

In short, do not landscape or build over or around the manhole covers.  If the Town needs to access the covered tanks, any cost associated with replacing or repairing the landscaping or structures over the manholes after tank repair is the responsibility of the property owner.

You may have purchased a property that had pre-existing obstructions to the manholes and tanks.  When you took title to the property, you assumed with it all rights and responsibilities.

Building Permits Are Required on Oquaga Lake Properties:

Also, it may be a good time to remind Oquaga Lake Property Owners in the LPO zone to be mindful of the need for building permits.

The Lake Protection Overlay Zone establishes criteria aimed at protecting the shoreline area of the lake. The LPO consists of all properties between the lake shore and Hanson Road and Oquaga Lake Road. Within this area set back distance have been adopted to prevent development close to the lake shore and neighboring properties. Standards have been developed for docks including height and size restrictions. The Local Law is posted on our website. It is very important to review the Local Law and the requirements applicable to the LPO before starting a project. For many properties in the LPO,  it will be necessary to apply to the Planning Board for Site Plan approval BEFORE the Town can issue a building permit.

Additionally, any work in the lake will likely require permits from the NYSDEC and US Army Corp of Engineers.

The Local Laws and requirements for Site Plan approval are aimed at protecting the natural beauty of the lake shore for all to enjoy.


Lake Appropriate Lending Library:  Contact Barbara@oquaga.com.  Synopses of the books to follow.

The current Library titles include:

     Diet for a Small Lake: the Expanded Guide to NYS Lake and Watershed Management

     Landscaping for Wildlife and Water Quality

     Life on the Edge: Owning Waterfront Property

     The Secret Life of  Lake: The Ecology of Northern Lakes & Their Stewardship

     Through the Looking Glass: A Field Guide to Aquatic Plants

     Biology and Control of Aquatic Plants


The Welcome Signs Are "No Post" Areas

The Welcome Signs at the northwest and the northeast corners of the lake are No Placard / Non-Partisan / No Advertising zones.  As you have work done at your property, your contractor may request to post their signs.  But remember your neighbor may use another vendor who may also ask the same permission.  Please acknowledge your contractor's request by offering a spot on your property.  Please respect the Welcome signs as community property and devoid of all things controversial, editorial, and unharmonious.


Oquaga Lake Improvement Association History

The incorporation of the the Oquaga Lake Improvement Association was signed by 23 members in 1906.  It's important to note our mission remains the same:  "... to preserve, improve and protect Oquaga Lake and the lands adjoining the same and bordering thereon ..."   You can see a copy on the original document from the Documents page or by clicking Articles of Incorporation here.  On the Documents page, there's also a link to the original 1907 By-Laws, as well as the 2016 version of the By-Laws, which were recently revised and adopted at the Annual Membership Meeting.



“The night sky is the world’s largest national park

with its stark beauty available to anyone who steps outside and looks up.”

 –Geoff Chester, US Naval Observatory


Last modified: 06/30/20

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