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Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

August 31, 2018


.mp3 Audio file - Eastern Broome EMS



The meeting was preceded with a presentation from Chris Zacharias of the Deposit Fire Department and EMS with an update on emergency services.  After Chris’ excellent update, Mark presented the emergency agency with a donation check from the Association


The Annual Meeting of the Oquaga Lake Improvement Association was called to order at 7:47 pm on August 31, 2018, at Scotts Family Resort Ballroom by President Mark M.  Board members present were Ron A, Marie D, Jestina D, Heather H, Gary H, Brenda L, Barbara M, Mark M, Judy R.  Absent were Koen G, Dick H, and  Joe R.


.mp3 Audio file - Opening


Twenty-nine of 82 paid Association member properties being represented, constituting 35% of the paid membership; therefore, a quorum was present.  (By-Laws require twenty percent as a quorum.)


A.  Opening Comments


President Mark M called the meeting to order at 7:35.


Barbara acknowledged the passing of neighbors since the last annual meeting:  David Smith, Burton (Bud) Koffmann, Honorable Joseph Hester (former owner), Joan Hester Young, Sally Bennett, Carole Phillips, Winnie Paulsen, Eugene Roma (former owner), Richard Ulmer, Betty May Smith.  All good friends of the Lake and they are missed.


.mp3 Audio file - Secretary and Treasurer Reports

B.  Approval of Minutes and Treasurer's Report


There was a motion to waive the reading of the Secretary’s minutes as they are available on the website.  Motion by Brenda L, second by Gary H.  Passed unanimously.


Marie D summarized the Treasurer’s report including the financials and the membership list.  There are 81 paid regular members, one associate member, and 18 unpaid members.  Third and final invoices will be sent.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report by Judy R second by Larry T.   Passed unanimously.


Mark raised the question / suggestion of paying the dues through some sort of a service.  He suggested if anyone in attendance knows how to do this without a charge to the member or the Association, please come forward at the end of the meeting.


.mp3 Audio file - Committee Reports

C.  Committee Reports


Standing Committees:  Mark read the list of Committees and encouraged members to volunteer.


Land Use and Zoning:  Primarily involves attending Town meetings.  However this year, the Town did send letters to all property owners about the Sewers.


There has been a problem with people paving over, building over, planting over sewer tanks.  The list of the letter sent by the Town of Sanford is that whatever you do is at your risk.  Whatever you do over the tanks, the Town is not responsible to replace it.  The Town is only responsible to maintain the underground pipes, the tanks, and the electrical connections.


mp3 Audio file - Events 1

Field Games and Water Sports:  Heather reported that due to the extremely wet weather this year, the field games were canceled for the first time that anyone can remember.  Heather went out the night before and the day, it would not be safe.  Gruel-a-thon had the most participation yet.  Water games, as usual not heavily attended but, as usual, the high dive was the highlight.  We are thinking about making some changes to the games for next year.


Fish Report:  Barbara read the fishing report on behalf of Koen G.  She joked that Koen was using the excuse that he was busy because his child is marrying this weekend, for not being present to read the report himself.


On Mother’s Day we stocked 300 rainbow and 300 brown trout.  The fishing contest had 28 contestants. 

Kurt Acker has volunteered to take over the organization of the Elmer J. Crowley fishing contest going forward.


When Mark asked, Barbara noted “No word about the carp.”  New Derby Master Kurt offered some suggestions how to catch it.


mp3 Audio file - Events 2

Lake Clean-Up Day:  Mark noted that this year there were more people than just Kathleen and himself.  This year’s volunteers managed to get more than two contractor’s bags.


Event Planning:  Every year attendance is less and less, and the Board would like to get some more people involved.  And some new events.  This was an odd year with the 4th in the middle of the week.  We want to continue social events.  Mark read from a 1939 newsletter but over the last few there has been a decline.


Water Quality:  Ben and Heather H continued testing this year.  We have been participating in this program for over 30 year.  The water quality continues to be excellent.


New Attendees:  Lindsey P 459 OLR.


Other Committees: By-laws.  History: the book should be updated.  Newsletter.  Sewer. 


Boating:  Boater safety continues to be an issue.  Boating Rules and There Are Bears laminated copies are available.  If your boat has been on another body of water, it should be cleaned.  A motion was made to put up a sign at the boat launch regarding boat cleaning was passed.


Other Committees: By-laws.  History: the book should be updated.  Newsletter.  Sewer. 


mp3 Audio file - Old Business & New Business

C.  Old Business:


Condition of the roads, speed limits, and dilapidated buildings.  Proposed speed bumps were rejected by the down.  Speed limits and stop signs are not easy to get done with the Town and the County.


D.  New Business


Snake Creek: has major damage from flooding but plans to be able to serve its clients this fall.


mp3 Audio file - Old Business & New Business

E.  Election of Officers


The terms of Dick H, Koen G, Marie D, and Benda L are expiring.  All but Brenda agreed to remain; Lillian DePietro has offered to fill the vacant seat.  Motion by Kiernan S, second by Larry T.  Passed unanimously.  Brenda’s years of service, and Mort’s before her, were acknowledged.


F.  Open Discussion:    None.


Mark asked for a motion to adjourn.  Several were offered and seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:29pm.


Minutes respectfully submitted:


OLIA Secretary

August 31, 2018



Board of Directors Meeting to Appoint Officers


Attending:  Ron A, Marie D, Lil D, Jestina D, Heather H, Gary H, Barbara M, Mark M, Judy R,

Absent: Koen G, Dick H, Joe R


As required by the By-Laws, the Board of Directors met following the general meeting for the appointment of Officers.  The meeting was called to order at 8:43pm.  Ron made a motion that the current slate of officers remain in place.  Second by Gary.  Passed unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:44pm.


Minutes respectfully submitted:


August 31, 2018


Last update 09/03/2019

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