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Annual Meeting Minutes

August 26, 2016




The Annual Meeting of the Oquaga Lake Improvement Association was called to order at 7:38 pm on August 26, 2016, at Scotts Family Resort Ballroom by President Mark.



Thirty-three of [] paid Association member properties being represented, constituting 38% of the paid membership; therefore, a quorum was present.  (By-Laws require twenty percent as a quorum.)


A.  Opening Comments


Mark welcomed those present.  Mark asked if there were new owners in attendance; there were none.


Barbara read the original Articles of Incorporation, as August 27, 2016 (tomorrow) is the 110th Anniversary of the signing if the Incorporation of the Association.


Barbara also acknowledged the passing of neighbors since the last annual meeting:  Tom Libous, Sandra Dawson and David MacInnes.


B.  Approval of Minutes and Treasurer's Report


Marie handed out the Treasurer’s report including the financials and the membership list.  There are 87 paid members, one associate members, and 17 unpaid members.  Third and final invoices will be sent. 


Marie noted that – not on this year’s Financials, but added to the year end 2015 Financials – work was done on the Lake Gate (aka Dam) and the boat launch, costing about $7,300.  Mark noted a lot of the work was done by Gary H, Joe R, and Dick H.  It could have cost a lot more if we had contracted the work.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Brenda L, second by Larry T,  Passed unanimously.


Reading of the Secretary’s minutes was waived; they are available on the website.


C.  Committee Reports


A list of Committees was handed out.


Boat Safety:  This committee is currently in need of a champion.  Mort L took this mission very seriously and no one has stepped up to replace him.  There were some pretty serious accidents at other lakes this Summer and we need to remain vigilant.  The Board asked for a volunteer.


Fish Report:  Koen reported that fish were stocked on Mother’s Day as usual, but with larger trout: 300 browns 300 rainbows.


Fishing Tournament:  Koen reported that 30 fishermen, mostly young ones, participated in the fishing tournament on a much nicer day than last year.  Jude A and Ryan H had two very big trout abut Dick H won overall with a three pound rainbow.


Water Quality:  Mark pointed out that we have participated for more than 20 years in the NYS CSLAP testing program.  We sample eight times during the year.   Prior years reports are on the website.  Due to the sewer district and land use controls, our Lake continues to be very clean and clear with no weed problems and no algae bloom, like many other Lakes.  Our unique characteristics, including size and depth, make us unique and therefore DEC allows us to remain the list yearly, whereas other Lakes are rotated in and out every five years.


Land Use and Zoning:  In the 1980s, OLIA worked with town to create a lake overlay protection district.  Over the last few years, The Town, Planning and Zoning boards have not understood  their responsibilities in regard to our unique issues.  Mark and Barbara have attended Town Board meetings monthly, working with the new Town Attorney to create and clarify procedures on zoning issues


 Mark noted that many of the properties on the Lake are under a half acre and as such, require a site plan when undertaking building projects.


Sewer Committee:   The Committee works with the Town in attending lake sewer issues.


Mark reminded the membership that every property has an easement with the Town regarding the sewer tank.  The town has the right to come onto the property if its needs to come work on them.  Owners should not build over, pave over, or plant over the sewer tanks.  He also reminded the membership of that - while the tank and the pump are the Town’s responsibility – the maintenance of the pipe from the cottage to the tank are the property owner’s responsibility.


Welcome and Membership Committee :  Judy R has taken on responsibility for this committee and Brenda L agreed to participate.  Attendance at events is also dwindling  and we should attempt to engage more new neighbors participation.   Communication and common courtesy are the goals.


History Committee:  Mrs MacInness and Mrs Crowley did a detailed compilation a while back and it needs updating.  There are so many more resources available now.  Volunteers were requested.


Event Committee:  Suggestions for other activities were solicited.  A couple people commented on the Boat Parade and next year. It will be prior to the Ring of Fire.


D.  Election of Officers


The terms of Barbara M, Joe R, Ron A, and Doris St expire this year.  Barbara, Joe, and Ron will continue to serve.  Doris has agreed to turn her Scotts seat over to Gary H.  There were no nominations from the floor.  Motion by Jim B; second by Pat O to accept the nominations.  Passed unanimously.


E.  Old Business


Modifying By-Laws:  Larry spoke for the By-Lawys Committee.  The original proposed change was to allow property owners to appoint someone to vote on their behalf.  However, this ai already in the By-Laws.  Upon further review, the Committee of four made two suggestions: 1) make them gender neutral; and  2) rescind Board of Director eligibility for Associate members.  Some years ago, there was a change to allow Associate members to be on the Board.  The Committee recommended removing this clause.


There was floor discussion regarding the second issue.  It was noted that the recent ruling by the IRS regarding our tax exempt status concluded that the two remaining Associate memberships could be maintained: C because she has owned here forever, and D because they rented here forever.  Motion from the floor to accept the By-Law changes by Dave N; second by Brenda L.  Passed by the membership with one nay vote.


Recurring Topics:


Bears: garbage outdoors and bears don’t mix.


Lake Cleaan-Up Day:  Fascinating :collection including  tires, diapers, underwear.  A lot of dumping in the roadside ditches.


Fireworks: going off on days other the Fourth of July and directing them dangerous at other property owners. 


Excessive Boat Waves:  Boat owners were reminded that they are responsible for damage done by your wake.  Be especially cafeful regarding kayaks and canoes.  New York State law says the speed limit is five miles an hour within 100 feet of anything.


F.  New Business


Cable Company:  Multiple people shared the complaint of the cable company cutting and dropping branches and debris on private property, for the owner  to clean up.  Or putting the debris in the ditches.


Dues:  Because of recent large expenditures (dam repairs, boat ramp, beaver removal), the Board recommended a Dues increase $80 to $95.  The last increase was 16 years ago.  Several people from the floor suggested going to $100.  16 years ago.  Propose raise from $80 to $95.  The proposal from the floor to go to $100.


I was asked why we need an increase if there is a surplus in the accounts.  Mark explained it is a “rainy day fund” in anticipation of future needs.


Motion by Jim B to raise the dues to $100; second by Dick H.  Passed unanimously.




Mark thanked those in attendance for coming and thanked Scotts for the continued use of their facilities and for the refreshments.


Mark asked for a motion to adjourn.  Several were offered and seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:38pm.


Minutes respectfully submitted:


OLIA Secretary

August 26, 2016


Board of Directors Meeting to Appoint Officers


Attending:  Ron A, Marie D, Koen G, Dick H, Gary H, Brenda L, Barbara M, Mark M, Joe R, Judy R.


As required by the By-Laws, the Board of Directors met immediately following the general meeting for the appointment of Officers.  The meeting was called to order at 8:45pm.  Koen G made a motion that the current slate of  officers remain in place.  Second by Dick H.  Passed unanimously.


Meeting adjourned at 8:46pm.


Minutes respectfully submitted:


August 26, 2016


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