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Annual Meeting Minutes
August 28, 2015


.mp3 Audio file - Opening

The Annual Meeting of the Oquaga Lake Improvement Association was called to order at 8:06 pm on August 28, 2015, at Scotts Family Resort by President Mark.

Twenty-seven of 87 paid Association member properties being represented, constituting 31% of the paid membership; therefore, a quorum was present. (By-Laws require twenty percent as a quorum.)

A. Opening Comments

Mark thanked Scotts for the use of the facility.

Mark asked if there were new owners in attendance; there were none. Mark also acknowledged the passing of neighbors since the last annual meeting: Mort L, Steve S, and Lucille F. He noted that all these had at one time been actively involved with the Board or Committees and had greatly contributed to the Lake Community.

B. Approval of Minutes and Treasurer's Report

.mp3 Audio file - 2014 Minutes

Barbara, Secretary, read the Minutes of the August 29, 2014 meeting. A motion was made to accept the minutes as read by Brenda L, second by Dave M.  It was noted that minutes and audio will be available on the website, along with those of previous years.


.mp3 Audio file - Treasurer's Report Part 1     .mp3 Audio file - Treasurer's Report Part 2

Marie Davenport handed out the Treasurer’s report including the financials and the membership list. There are 87 paid members, two associate members, and 17 unpaid members. Third and final invoices will be sent. Marie also discussed the financials, noting that we bought flares this year; Koen added these should last about four and a half years. It was noted dam repairs will also be an expense this year during the Lake lowering. The cost of the picnic was discussed, along with a discussion of how to get more people to turn out for events and to participate, especially new people.

Marie reported that the IRS has ruled that the OLIA officially has not-for-profit status after a review that has been on-going for the past two years.

C. Committee Reports

.mp3 Audio file - Fishing Committee

Fish Report:  Koen reported that fish were stocked on Mother’s Day as usual, May 10th, with $2,000 of larger trout, about half of the 615 being browns and the other half rainbows. Dan R once again helped him stock, along with [another Lake] family.

Fishing Tournament:  Koen reported that 30 fishermen, mostly young ones, participated in the fishing tournament on a cold and rainy July 4th. It was the thirteenth annual event. Olivia R, reportedly with the help of Grayson, got the biggest trout which was also the largest fish. Second biggest went to Kurt A and Dan R. Biggest non-trout went to Cassie D.

.mp3 Audio file - Committees Part 1      

Lake Clean-Up Day: On July 11th, Mark and Kathy were the only clean-up participants; Koen “quit” and allowed Mark and Kathy to enjoy their walk together. It was the second year this event was attempted.

Water Quality:  Mark commented that we are into more than 20 years in the the CSLAP reporting. Marshall P, grandson of Bs and a junior in Deposit HS assisted this year. Water quality continues to be excellent and clear. Young people are needed to continue the program.

Committees:  Mark stated the drivers to what we gets done comes down to a few people: Mark on water, Heather and Larry games, Jestina picnic, Koen fishing were acknowledged. More participants and volunteers are needed for Lake Community events. Potential committees include land us and zoning, membership, events, boater safety, newsletter and dam. There seems to be less and less participation.

.mp3 Audio file - Committees Part 2  

Family Day:  Larry reported that about 25 showed up at the Gruel-a-thon, about 46 for the field sports, and about 25 for the water sports. Missing among the participants are the older children (teen-agers). Jestina commented on the picnic, noting she has cut corners as best she can. More participation is needed; Jestina encouraged getting the children involved in the set-up at the picnic. A return of the Talent Show was discussed. The winners Gruel-a-thon and the Fishing Derby should be acknowledged at the picnic.

End of Committee Reports:  A motion was made by Larry T to accept the Committee Reports, second by Brenda L. Passed unanimously.

 .mp3 Audio file - Committees Part 3

David M asked the question everyone was thinking: What’s going happen next year to all the events that historically have taken place at Scotts?

.mp3 Audio file - Scotts Comments Part 1     .mp3 Audio file - Scotts Comments Part 2     .mp3 Audio file - Scotts Comments Part 3

Ray and Doris shared their plans for the future, which includes the sale of Scotts Family Resort. They stated that they would like to sell to someone will keep up the business.

 After the update, Larry, on behalf of the Association, thanked all the Scotts for their many years of support to the Lake Community.

D. Election of Officers

.mp3 Audio file - Election of Officers

The terms of Brenda L, Koen G, Dick H and Marie D expire this year. All have agreed to continue to serve. There were no nominations from the floor. Motion from Jestina; second by Pat O. Passed unanimously.

E. Old Business

.mp3 Audio file - Old Business

Modifying By-Laws: A By-Laws Committee is needed to advance the motion presented last year. The purpose was to engage some younger people into the organization. Motion by Larry T to form a committee; second Sharon S. Larry will chair the committee and asked for volunteers

Lake Lowering: Gate will be open about November 1. Lowest point is expected about the second week of November. If you have work planned, and have the appropriate permits, the window to work is mid-November to mid-December.

Buildings in Disrepair: It was noted that one of the offensive properties has been torn down. Members were encouraged to communicate with the Town representatives and to attend Town meetings to express their concerns.

F. New Business

.mp3 Audio file - New Business Part 1        

Neighborhood Issues were brought up, including noise, outdoor speakers, plus dock/flood lights that disturb the peace of the neighborhood. Other than local laws which may or may not exist, the following suggestions were made. Ask the neighbor to stop. Call law enforcement; State police will come when called. They may also be planning board and zoning board issues. These concerns will also be addressed in next year’s Opening Letter.


.mp3 Audio file - New Business Part 2

Financial Report: Has any thought been given to investing more of the funds in higher yield issues? Mark explained the Board feels the need to maintain some liquidity, given upcoming issues such as the dam.

Lake Lowering: Has any thought been given to lowering the lake more frequently than every five years. Pros and cons were discussed. There is a concern about not having a crystal ball regarding possible drought season. For example, this year the lake didn’t come up as early in the season as in other years. There is also a theory that if the ice is not frozen equally thick, which occurs after lake lowering more damage may be created as the ice moves out.

Speeding on the roads continues to be an issue. Approaching the Town about summer-temporary speed bumps was suggested, from Opening Party to Labor Day weekend.

.mp3 Audio file - New Business Part 3

Boater Safety:  Ed W reminded everyone that State boating law that the speed limit is 5 miles an hour within a hundred feet of anything. Boaters are responsible for the damage their wake creates. Renters continue to be an issue because they are not aware of the lake safety rules. Owners were asked to make their renters aware.

The Mort L Method was encouraged: You must follow the violators to their dock and you must tell them what they have done. Violators must be confronted.

.mp3 Audio file - Lake Maps and Boater Safety (continued)

Topographic Maps  of the Lake, created in 1984 and updated in 1999 are available in various sizes. Orders being taken for 24 by 18 version, suitable for framing. More with the Opening Letter.


.mp3 Audio file - Adjourment

Mark thanked those in attendance for coming and thanked Scotts for the continued use of their facilities and for the refreshments.

Mark asked for a motion to adjourn. Several were offered and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 9:39pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted:
OLIA Secretary
August 28, 2015

Board of Directors Meeting to Appoint Officers

.mp3 Audio file - Fishing Committee

Attending: Marie, Jestina, Koen, Dick, Brenda, Barbara, Mark, Judy.   (Absent: Doris, Heather, Joe, Ron)

As required by the By-Laws, the Board of Directors met immediately following the general meeting for the appointment of Officers. The meeting was called to order at 9:45pm. A motion was requested to maintain the current slate of officers. Brenda so moved, second by Dick. Passed unanimously. Mark requested a Board member to sit on the newly formed By-Laws Committee; Barbara volunteered.

Meeting adjourned at 9:46pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted:
August 28, 2015

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