Annual Meeting Minutes
August 29, 2014
Audio file - Opening
The Annual Meeting of the Oquaga Lake Improvement
Association was called to order at 8:05 pm on August 29, 2014, at
Scotts Family Resort by President Mark M.
Twenty-seven of 86 paid Association member
properties being represented, constituting 31% of the paid membership;
therefore, a quorum was present. (By-Laws require twenty percent as a
A. Opening Comments
Mark noted there were no new owners in the
neighborhood. We also noted the passing of Lake residents Norm
Dawson, David Martin, and Georgette Akel.
B. Approval of Minutes and Treasurer's Report
Audio file - Secretary
Barbara M, Secretary, read the Minutes of the
August 30, 2013 meeting. A motion was made to accept the minutes as
read by Dick H, second by Pat O. It was noted that minutes and audio
will be available on the website, along with those of previous years.
Audio file - Treasurer
Marie D handed out the Treasurer’s report including
membership list. There are 86 paid members, one associate member, and
17 unpaid members. Marie also handed out the financial report, noting
that we took in more money than we spent. Motion to accept the
Treasurer’s report by Brenda L, second by Ron A.
Marie noted we are still awaiting a decision from
the IRS regarding our tax exempt status.
C. Committee Reports
Audio file - Fish Report
Fish report: Koen reported that Dan
R once again helped him stock on Mother’s Day. This year, however,
the proportion of trout stacked was changed to 50 percent each
rainbows and browns with fewer but larger fish. One DEC theory is
that with the water being warmer, smaller fish are going deeper and
are getting eaten. This is also partly because there is not enough
food because the Lake is so clean and nutrient poor.
Fishing Tournament: Koen reported
that 34 people, mostly children, participated in the fishing
tournament. Grayson R presented the largest trout: a brown not even a
pound. Cassie D had the largest fish overall: a two and a quarter
pound largemouth.
Audio file - Water Quality
Water Quality: Mark stated the CSLAP
report is available on the internet and on the website. He explained
the water quality continues to be excellent as compared to many other
lakes in the State. The water is both clean and clear. Around the
State, invasive species are still a concern as well as algae bloom.
Audio file - Sewer
Sewer Report: Mark reported that we
are at the end of the third year of the three year program to update
the collection systems, including electrical controls, pumps, and
tanks. It appears that the fourth and fifth years of the additional
$350 per year assessment will not be necessary. The Town has reported
that the work is 99% done and the number of service calls is
noticeably down. He summarized the plan that was outlined in 2011.
Audio file - Committees
Committees: Mark reiterated the need
for people to commit to Committees. A few new events were introduced
this year but new events require someone to coordinate them and the
Board cannot be the only driver of activities.
Audio file - Events
Events: We added a few more
events this year including a Lake Clean-Up Day, an Ice Cream Social, a
Boat Parade, and a Talent Show at the Family Picnic. Kathy was
thanked for the excellent ice cream social. Kathy M noted that
Phillip, their son, committed to the Family picnic last year, but the
event is a huge undertaking and conflicts with Phillip’s other
commitments. Jestina D offered to assist in the future.
Barbara read Heather H’s report about the Family
Day Sports which included 23 participants in the Gruel-a-thon, 46
children in the Field Games and 25 participants in the Water Sports.
It was noted that 75 adults and 17 children attended the Family
picnic, about 20 more than the previous year. Four acts participated
in the first annual Talent Show.
Audio file - Boating
Boating Safety: Mark noted that this
is a continuing issue that might benefit from a Committee. Recent new
Boating Laws need to be communicated and understood.
D. Election of Officers
Audio file - Election
The terms of Mark M, Jestina D, Heather H, and Jim
B expire this year. Only Jim has expressed an interest to step down
and Judy R has agreed to fill the empty seat. There were no
nominations from the floor. Motion by Brenda to accept the proposed
slate of Board members, second by Dick H. Passed unanimously.
E. Old Business
Audio file - Old Business
Buildings in Disrepair: It was noted
that one of the offensive properties has been torn down. Members were
encouraged to communicate with the Town representatives and to attend
Town meetings to express their concerns.
F. New Business
Audio file - Lake Lowering
Lake Lowering: There will be lake
lowering in 2015. To do work, permits may be required, with site plan
approval by the Town, DEC, and/or Army Corp of Engineers. Members
were encouraged to start the process of obtaining permits now.
Audio file - By-Law Proposal
Associate Membership for Direct Descendants:
Larry T made a motion from the floor to change the by-laws to “Allow
direct descendants of the owners to be eligible as associate members
of the Association and therefore allowed to be on the Board.” Larry
said the intention is that it would be a way to get younger people
involved. William F seconded the motion. It was noted that the
motion cannot be voted on until at least next year’s meeting.
Discussion points included the following:: Associate memberships are
an issue with the current IRS review. One of the issues the IRS
is currently looking at in our not-for-profit status review is the
issue of Associate members. By-laws should not be touched until an
IRS decision has been made. Some properties are held as corporations,
LLCs, and trusts, which might warrant legal review. A Committee was
suggested. There was previously a By-Laws Committee. Those who want
to participate and serve should not be excluded, but there are other
ways to participate, such as committee Chairs and committee
involvement. Is there a benefit: to whom and how many? The review
would be a lot of work for [the benefit of] one or two people. Voting
rights could potentially be an issue if multiple people paid dues from
one property. Perhaps the definition of “member”, rather than
associate member, needs to be reviewed. The project needs a champion.
Larry amended his motion to be “A fact finding
committee to determine the legality and appropriateness of having
direct descendants of owners as associate members, taking into
consideration the not-for-profit status.” Joe R again seconded .
The majority of those in attendance voted aye but there were several
G. General Discussion and Issues from the
Audio file - Poachers
Trespassers: How do we patrol
people who are ice fishing illegally on the Lake. In winter, taking
lake trout are illegal. Getting DEC to patrol was suggested.
Audio file - Speeding
Speeding: Specifically the Stop sign
at the northeast junction of Hanson and Oquaga Lake Roads, cars and
trucks barreling through the intersection without slowing down creates
a concern for the safety of walkers and children. It was suggested
that the intersection should be a three way stop. The issue needs to
be taken up with the local governmental agencies.
Audio file - Adjournment
Mark thanked those in attendance for coming and
thanked Scotts for the continued use of their facilities and for the
Mark asked for a motion to adjourn; several people
moved for it and many seconded. Accepted unanimously. The meeting
was adjourned 9:06pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted:
OLIA Secretary
August 29, 2014
Board of Directors Meeting to Appoint Officers
Audio file - Board Meeting
Attending: The nine available Board members,
As required by the By-Laws, the Board of Directors
met immediately following the general meeting for the appointment of
Officers. The meeting was called to order at 9:07pm. A motion was
requested to maintain the current slate of officers. Koen so moved,
second by Brenda. Passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:08pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted:
August 29, 2014
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