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Annual Meeting Minutes

August 31, 2012


The annual meeting of the Oquaga Lake Improvement Association was called to order at 8:05 pm on August 31, 2012, at Scotts Family Resort by President Jim Bennett.


Thirty-two of 88 paid association member properties being represented, constituting 36% of the Association membership; therefore, a quorum was present.  (By-Laws require twenty percent as a quorum.)

A.  Opening Comments

Jim welcomed those in attendance, and announced it would be his last meeting as President.

.  Approval of Minutes and Treasurer's Report

A motion was made to waive the reading of the minutes of the August 2011 meeting.  They are available on line in written and oral form.

Marie handed out the Treasurer’s report including membership list and financials.  Jim encouraged the membership to speak to their neighbors who have not paid their dues.  It was noted that the family picnic has deteriorated in attendance and it is difficult to estimate the amount of food.  Also the opening party was not well attended.  Suggestions for improving these events would be welcomed by the Board.

C.  Business

Fish report:  The Lake was stocked with about six hundred trout  this year.  Koen would like to stock more next year and the Board will address raising the budgeted amount.  Koen was commended for his effort. 

The fishing derby on July 4 had 25 participants.  Skip K and Gunther had the largest trout at two pounds twelve ounces, and Christian A (a grandson) had the largest non-trout: a catfish weighing two pounds eight ounces

Water quality:  Mark explained the water quality testing process.  He asked for volunteers to assist, which requires a small investment in time from June to October.  He made copies of the report available.

Sewer report:  Jim summarized the previous year’s three phase plan.   He stated that all but 25 of the electrical replacements have been done.  Nine pumps were replaced on a non-emergency basis.  New control boxes were replaced on all but 25 properties.  This has resulted in less maintenance by the Town.  

Covers on the properties are being replaced as they fail.  Replacing manhole covers on the road still needs to be done.  The plan has gone well and the Town has been very supportive.  The three year plan looks to be realistic, and the project is currently ahead of plan, ahead of schedule, and ahead of budget.  Jim was thanked for his efforts and he thanked the Board for their participation.

Water Safety:  Mort brought up the issue of boater safety and there was much discussion about the topic.  He noted particularly people sitting on the bow or transom, boating too close to canoes and kayaks, too many boats on the water, no spotters, and tubing too fast.  Safety has fallen by the wayside.  The membership was encouraged to discuss unsafe practices with their neighbors as they see it.  An accident could jeopardize the use of motor boats on the lake.

The recommended distance of the float from the shore was stated to be 75 feet.

A defibrillator was discussed.  This was previously addressed about five years ago and there is a liability issue associated with this,  Individual units were recommended.

Emergency response was discussed as there is a concern that personnel are not available during the week. 

Jim was presented with a "BCDrawings" drawing of the view from his porch and was thanked for his service.  Jim thanked the membership for their support.

Mark was introduced as the next President. 

Election of Board Members:  Marie D, Koen G, Ditck H, and Brenda L have expiring terms this year and all opted to remain.  There were no nominations from the floor and they were reelected unanimously.


Jim asked for a motion to dismiss; several people moved for it and many seconded.  Accepted unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned 8:55pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted:

OLIA Secretary

August 31, 2012

Last modified: 05/15/14



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