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Annual Meeting Minutes
August 29, 2008

The annual meeting of the Oquaga Lake Improvement Association was called to order at 7:54 pm on August 29, 2008, at Scotts Family Resort by President Jim Bennett.

It was noted that, as the Friday of the Annual Meeting is also the evening of our Annual Progressive Dinner with cocktails at the Chestnut Inn followed by dinner at Scotts, next year's dinner at Scotts will start at 6pm rather than 6:15pm, and the annual meeting will begin at 8pm. This is because many of our neighbors, including the Board, use this occasion to support the two businesses on our Lake, in addition to providing information to the general membership We encourage all members to support these events in future years.
Twenty-nine of 93 paid association member properties being represented, constituting more than 30% of the Association membership; therefore, a quorum was present. (By-Laws require twenty percent as a quorum.)
A. Opening Comments
Jim thanked Doris and Ray for once again opening up their facility for the annual meeting.
The new owners and members on the lake were acknowledged; Ron and Carol M (present) and Thomas and Therese H (not present). Ed W added that Heather and Ben H (not present) are now the owners of 68 Hanson Rd (formerly the Harvison’s property), as of this week.
B. Approval of Minutes and Treasurer's Report
The minutes of the August 31, 2007 meeting were read by secretary Barbara M. Jim commented that there is now a State Trooper’s station located in the Deposit and the nearest sub-station is no longer Kirkwood. With no further changes, Herb S moved that the minutes be approved as amended; seconded by Bill T.
Marie D presented the Treasurer’s report, noting that expenditures are within budget so far this 2008 year. Copies of the income statement and expense statement and summary of funds were distributed. Marie noted that again there was an anonymous donation to the fish stocking fund and Koen thanked the unknown contributor.
The list of paid/unpaid members was distributed. Two more members paid dues prior to the meeting. A third invoice has been sent to those who did not pay and members were encouraged to contact their non-paying neighbors.
The question was asked why the year did not end at the end of August (that is, this meeting). It was explained that previously the year end had been the end of August; however, bills continue to be submitted after the end of the season, and it is easier and more clear for the Board to prepare a budget for next year with a cut-off date of December 31 of the current year.
A question was asked why the three categories on the assets sheet did not add up to the total listed. [Note for the record: The CD, purchased this year, was not included in the total assets and the total assets is $52k.]
C.  Committee Reports
Fish Committee:  Stocking was done the week before Mother’s Day this year and once again the number of stocked fish is down. The rainbows caught are looking very healthy. We do stock fewer browns and we periodically hear of those being caught.
Regarding the J Elmer Crowley Fishing Derby, Koen commented that there were three or four times as many participants than last year, possibly because he wasn’t there, or more likely because it was held on Fourth of July weekend. He commented 1) it was great to see so many children, and 2) of course, Skip K was the winner as always. Next year the event will be the same weekend, the Fourth of July.
Field Day and Water Sports: Brenda reported that getting someone to coordinate the Field Games and Water Sports is difficult, although we do get many volunteers on the day of the event and especially appreciate the teenagers who participate that day.
Brenda put together a list of small committees and asked that we get several people to be in charge of these activities to break up the job. [Note after the meeting: several people signed up and volunteered for next year.] Past volunteers and coordinators were thanked for their participation.
Sewer: Barbara M commented that the sewer district is being well maintained by Brad Hubbard and his staff, who officially work for the Village of Deposit’s sewer board and are contracted by the Town of Sanford to support us. Brad recently told Barbara that his staff enjoys working for the Lake Association, and finds our residents to be friendly and pleasant people who are constantly offering his team food and beverages in return for their efforts.
Jim B read a letter from Town of Sanford Supervisor, Dewey Decker, regarding the discovery of e-coli in the well water of some properties near the 480 to 500 property numbers. It was noted that the problem includes Shreve, Paulsen, and the Chestnut Inn, although the Chestnut’s water is chlorinated and therefore safe. Neighbors affected have been notified by the Town of Sanford. More information will be provided as it is available, from the Town of Sanford and the engineer they have hired to investigate.
NYSFOLA/Water Quality: Mark M explained the CSLAP program and noted that the CSLAP water quality report for 2007 is available on various websites, including Oquaga.com. As in the past, the water quality is excellent. It was noted that the water is clearer now than most people can remember.
Boating: There are many instances of poor boating practices and safety is a serious concern. Parasailing has been noted and the lake is too small for that. Several incidents of unsafe boating and skiing have been reported. Members were encourage to help with this: If you observe somebody violating the rules, please address the violators directly. If this is not effective, you may call Jim B, but we must approach this as individual members of an Association.

Steve S has written a letter that will be sent out with the next opening packet. An article about boating safety will be included in the opening Oquaga Lake News newsletters as well

Unsafe swimming practices are also part of the safety issue.
It was suggested that we there should be a published time when skiing and tubing should be stopped. Seven pm was suggested.
Also, it was pointed out that it is important to remain in boating pattern; cutting directly across the lake is not acceptable and must be pointed out to violators.
D. New Business
Fire District/EMT Consolidation: The Town and the Village are putting together a plan to consolidate the Fire district and the EMT services to get some control over expenses and services. We have been informed that a letter will be sent by the Town to all property owners to ask for their support in this matter. It was important to note that this is appears to be an issue that will be decided by property owners, whether or not you are a year-round resident. Members were encouraged to respond once the letter is received.
Gas Drilling: Jim presented a comprehensive summary of the history, issues, and concerns of gas grilling. Protection of our Lake is a major concern of the Board. Major issues include noise, roads (due to truck traffic), runoff and by-products, and the huge amounts of water needed in the process.
Jim also read the letter from Scotts regarding their views on this issue. The membership applauded Scotts’ continued consideration for the safety and protection of the lake.
Jim noted that several lake land owners have received lease agreements from gas companies. Presumably, the sole purpose of these leases is the drilling rights to a water well, as water key to the drilling process.
Jim has done a lot of research into this topic and he encouraged the membership to do their own research as well
Jim summarized the following as our responsibilities as Lake owners and residents:
1) Ask everyone on the lake, or its aquifer table not to sell out our lake.
2) Our lake is a water generator, so we look like a good prospect for these people.
3) Inform our county commissioners that they need to protect our roads from heavy traffic. Get a repair to original condition Bond and repair roads as required during use periods.
4) Ask anyone who wants to sign a lease to seek legal advice .
5) Support the lake association as we try to protect our lake. 

Nominating Committee: The following terms expire this year: Richard S, Bill B, Herb S, and Jim B. Richard S has stepped aside and Larry T has volunteered to fill the seat.  All others volunteered to remain. There were no nominations from the floor. Motion by Brenda L to accept the nominations, second by Ferris A. Passed unanimously.
Open Discussion:
· Water Level: A member stated that every year we get ice damage because the water level of the lake is high. Some lakes lower their lake one to two feet every year to reduce the amount of damage and possibly reduce repair costs for owners. It was stated that the control of the height of the lake water rests with the Scotts by deed.  Also, we have no history or experience with how lowering one to two feet would impact the Lake. The Board will look into this.
· From Childrens Day Care: Barbara C reported that ten school age children came for a day at Scotts, had a wonderful time, and Barb thanked those who had made it happen. It was much appreciated. She brought a thank-you card from the children.
· Sign Up for Field Games and Water Sports: There was a reminder to sign up for the Games and Water Sports for next year. [Note: Several people signed up following the meeting.]
· Walk on the left side of the road: There was a reminder that it is the law to walk facing traffic; drivers are complaining about dangerous incidents.
· Opening Party of Saturday: When asked, the consensus was to have the Opening Party on Saturday, as many people go home on Sunday.
Jim asked for a motion to dismiss; several people moved for it and many seconded. Accepted unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:24.
Minutes respectfully submitted:
Barbara M
OLIA Secretary

August 29, 2008

Board of Directors Meeting to Appoint Officers

Attending:  Ferris Al, Jim B, Bill B, Marie D, Koen G, Dick H, Brenda L, Barbara M, Doris S, Herb S, Larry T.
As required for the By-Laws, the meeting of the newly appointed and existing Board members convened at 9:28 pm on August 29 to elect Officers.  Brenda L made a motion that the existing officers should remain in place, and she requested this be done by acclamation. President B asked if someone else wanted to be president. As there was no response, Barbara called the motion and Herb seconded Brenda’s motion. Motion passed unanimously.  Meeting adjourned unanimously at 9:30 pm.

Annual Meeting Attendees (29 properties)
Dinner Attendees (23)

Last modified: 08/05/12


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