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Association Annual Meeting

Friday, August 30, 2002




The annual membership meeting of the Oquaga Lake Improvement Association was called to order at 7:40 pm on August 30,2002 at Scott’s, by President Jim B.



Twenty eight of 91 paid association members present, constituting more than 30% of the Association membership; therefore, a quorum was present.


A.         Agenda, Welcomes, and Comments


President B commented that it had been a good summer with excellent weather, better than any of us can remember in years, and he hoped all the Association members had enjoyed and taken full advantage of it.


President B asked new members to rise and be recognized:  Rob and Linda H have recently acquired 57 Hanson road (formerly Gabana)


B.         Approval of Minutes and Treasurer's Report


Secretary’s Report:  Barbara M read the minutes of last year’s meeting.


Motion to accept as read:  Hannah McG, second Dick H.  Approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report:  Marie D handed out the Treasurer’s report.  It was noted that the fiscal year now runs from January to December; therefore the 2001 report was for the fifteen month period of 2001.  The 2002 report represents expenses since January ,and is still and interim report.  Jim B noted that in 2001 we were over budget, but we are now on track to replenishing the reserve account.


Marie handed out two lists: paid and unpaid dues.


Motion by Mort L, second by Ferris A to accept the Treasurer’s report.  Approved unanimously.


C.         Committee Reports


Membership report:  presented by Jim Bennett, in Steve S’s absence.


We have been successful for the first time in getting Alexander Meyer, of Alexander’s Bed and Breakfast, to pay his dues.


Fish Committee:  Presented by Koen G.  Koen reported that we stocked 900 rainbows and 100 browns.  We have seen a lot of nice fish this year.  Stocking is going well, and we propose to do the same next year.


Activities:  Presented by Brenda L.


Ring of Fire:  Herb and Alice S were thanked for their help with the Ring of Fire, which was very nice this year. 


Cocktail Party:  seventy-five adults attended. 


July Progressive Dinner:  fifteen attended.


Field and Water Sports Day: sixty-five children participated. 


Family Picnic: one hundred fifty attended.


Annual Meeting Progressive Dinner: twenty-two attended.


The same events are planned for next year; any additional suggestions are welcome.


Care and Feeding of the Lake:  Andrew M volunteered earlier in the year to do weather testing.  Five samples have been takes, three more are due, and results submitted to NYFOLA.  Andrew is thanked for his efforts.  Continuation of the program of a program started 15 years ago.  The testing is costing us $200.  Results should be in by year end, and DEC will publish a state-wide lake report, which should include our results.  Data summary should be available on-line; website information will be made available when it is published.


Mort L suggested the Association should join NYFOLA and a representative should attend the conference in early May.  Jim responded that the Board would follow up on this.


D.         New Business


Jim called for a ten minute open discussion, about any issues in general.  His started with the comment that the Crowley family had requested that contributions, following the death of J Elmer Crowley, be made to the Oquaga Lake Association, and that he Board was considering several memorial alternatives:  a flag; a floral garden; a bench.


Other topics:


Ed W expressed the concern that there are frequently people who don’t belong on the lake.  Jim suggested that permits should be issued.  It was felt that a label prevents finger pointing and prevents people from criticizing valid users (grandchildren, etc.).  Details to be worked out by the Board.


Ferris pointed out that the rules need to be posted for everyone to see.  These are currently mailed with the opening letter.  It was noted there have been several instances this year of people swimming far from shore, and it is believed these may be renters.


The cell phone tower has recently been upgraded and service should be better.


Re: the trailer on Hanson Rd:  The Lake Association has no authority and we are not code enforcement,  but it has been reported to the Town.  We understand the Town has turned it over to the Town attorney.


It was reported that many members have reported the jet boat being operated unsafely.  The question was asked if the jet boat falls under the jet ski regulation as “specialized motors.”  Jim indicated that the Board will investigate and will send a letter from the Board regarding boating courtesy.  If the problem continues, the recourse is to refer the matter to the Sheriff.


Re: the Crowley fund, the following comments were made:  Flowers require maintenance.  Flag needs to be taken down or lit.  We don’t want to add the contribution to the general fund.  The Board will make a decision early next spring.


Nominating Committee:  Brenda L, on behalf the nominating committee, proposed Richard S and John S, and re-nominated Jim B, and Ed W, for the term expiring 2005.  There were no nominations from the floor.  Mort L proposed that the secretary enter one vote on behalf of the Association; second by Ferris and carried unanimously.


Outgoing Director Betty May S’s contribution to the lake over the years was acknowledged.  Tim B was thanked for his continued assistance with the picnic.


Open Discussion:  Question was raised regarding the original sewer district.  Mort reported that nothing has been turned up .  Also regarding sewers, the question was raised re: the creation of a special capital fund for the sewer district: whether the town has indeed done this., and someone should audit to be sure that the funds are not mingled with general Town funds.


Mort L advised the new members that a person must be 18 years old to pilot a boat, unless they have taken and passed a boater safety course, and they must carry that license with them.



With thanks to Doris Scott for the use of their facility and for the refreshments, Jim asked for a motion to adjourn, which Hannah McG offered. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 by Jim B.


Minutes submitted by:                Barbara M


Board of Directors Meeting to Appoint Officers

Attending:  Ferris A, Jim B, Marie Dt, Koen G, Dick H, Mort L, Barbara M, Doris S, Steve S, John S, Richard S, Ed W


As required for the By-Laws, the meeting of the newly appointed and existing Board members convened at 8:48 pm to designate Officers.  A motion was made by Ed W that all Officers currently in place, should remain in place.  Seconded by Dick H.  Passed unanimously.   Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.


Last modified: 05/27/12


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